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Training Funding Grants
Under its Leadership & Management initiative, the Government will fund training so that your organisation can get up to £1,000 in matched funding for an in-house training course from The PR Training Centre.

How does it Work?
The Government's Leadership & Management scheme will give matched funding of up to £1,000 to eligible organisations for relevant training, such as in-house courses.

This means that, if you spend £1500 on an in-house course from an accredited training provider like us, you can claim back £750, and you get it back within 80 days.

Who is eligible?
The funding is aimed at chief executives (or other very senior strategic executives) and his/her team.  You must have between 2 and 250 employees.

All organisations are eligible - commercial companies, not-for-profit organisations, charities, schools and educational establishments.

How do I claim my funding?
Simply contact us - we will put you in touch with the appropriate funding organisation for your region.

Contact us today  to find out how  you can claim up
to £1,000 in grant funding.

020 7808 0123




The PR Training Centre © 2004 - 2014
Last updated 1 March 2015